Oupree Video Encoder Settings for I-Frame-keyframe-Interval (S) - YouTube or Facebook Live
The keyframe (i-frame) is the full frame of the image in a video. Subsequent frames, the delta frames, only contain the information that has changed. Keyframes will appear multiple times within a stream, depending on how it was created or how it’s being streamed.
How to set Keyframe frequency/I-Frame(keyframe) Interval (S) for YouTube & Facebook Live by IP Streaming Encoder?
For Facebook,
An I-frame (keyframe) must be sent at least every 2 seconds throughout the stream.
Keyframe frequency: Recommended 2 seconds. Do not exceed 4 seconds
Keyframe frequency/I-Frame(keyframe) Interval (S)= GOP/FPS. The beolow stream I-Frame Interval (S) then is 2S, that is GOP/FPS=120/60
Posted on: Apr 21, 2023